1.The wear speed is fast, and due to the influence of factors such as the processing, device and adjustment of the new machine parts of the small wheeled excavator wood grapples, the resistance surface is rough, the touch area of the cooperative surface is small, and the pressure condition of the surface is uneven.During the operation of the machine, some of the bumps and bumps on the surface of the parts contradict each other, and the metal debris worn down, as an Abrasive, continues participare in conflictu, et gerunt de superficie partium est magis et magis statim. Ideo et quotation of CAVATOR ferro capto, et currens-in tempus simpliciter facit ad gerunt partibus (praesertim in collaborative superficiem) et gerunt celeritate est ieiunium. In hoc tempore, posito overload operationem, ut faciam damnum ad partes et fieri primo problems.
2.Poor lubricatae, ex parva coordinatio spatium de components of novum fabrica de parva sulso lignum capto, et ex elementis in fabrica, quod difficile ad ensure ad uniformitatem ad coordinationem spatium, et in uniformis oleum ad excipere ad excipere. Et redigendum in lubricatae efficientiam, constituunt mane abnormes gerunt de partibus. In gravi casibus, quod constituet accurate coordinatio de conflictu superficiem et mordere phaenomenon, unde in eventum quaestionem.
Post tempus: Oct-28-2024