Aliquis vocatur CAVATOR ripper quod "hook" quod maxime solebat ad oppressi et finditur de dura solo, secundarium durum lapidem, ventus Fossil, ut ad humilitatem efficientiam et fodientem et operantes, ut non solvitur malleo et operantes non potest solvi et fodiens situla elit. Si huic demanda, oportet quod etiam per online fabrica negotium curatores in nube pluvia, hic erit tibi datum est quam emere vel identify in CAVATOR Ripper
No.1 Crudum Material: Nunc debitum ad forum environment est bonum, ferox competition, teloneariorum emere magis ex pretio consideranda, ut in foro est plenus multorum ferro laminam et gerunt, ut in materia, Ordinarius Steel laminam et gerunt, ut in materia, quae est bonum manganese ferro laminam, quae est bonum, repugnans manganese ferro laminam et gere, ut in materia, quae est bonum manganese ferro laminam, quae est bonum manganese ferro laminam et gere, ut in materia, quae est bonum manganese ferro laminam et gerunt, ut in materia manganese ferro laminam et gerunt, ut in materia manganese ferro laminam et gerunt, ut in materia manganese ferro laminam et gere, repugnans manganese ferro laminam et gere, ut in materia, quae est bonum manganese ferro laminam, quae est bonum, quod est bonum manganee Conscientious manufacturers are more strict requirements from the material, the material determines the service life, the wear-resistant manganese steel plate with alloying elements, although the cost can be more expensive, but the failure rate is low in the later use process, it is not easy to break long life, so since you want to buy, do not care about the price difference of 800 yuan, after all, a penny a penny goods.
No.2 crassitudine de ferro laminam: nam idem unum EXCVATOR ripper, sed crassitudine ferro laminam usi per se manufacturer non est idem, crassitudo determinat pondus pondus determinat omnia scitis? Non magis dicere?
No.3 Welding Processus: Large Ordinarius Manufacturers post annos experientia cumulus, Welding processus est valde mature, welding flammam deprehensio est valde strictos, in post usum, ut admodum et excelsum est, in longa admodum et excelsum est, in longa advenientis et advenientis est facile ad ruber oxidation
No.4 Design process: After years of claims, the regular old manufacturers gradually mature in product design, hook bend just in line with the construction force point, torque dispersion makes the strength of the excavator ripper become stronger, there are many manufacturers in the middle of the hook welding on a protective plate, seemingly tall, can be very wear-resistant! In fact, from a professional point of view, the less welding points of the excavator ripper, the better, in the construction process, the fracture is often cracked from the welding of the protection plate, welding is equal to the annealing treatment of the steel plate, stress concentration, more prone to fracture failure.

Post tempus: Jun-17-2024