Principium Electro-Hydraulicorum CAVator ferro capto apparatus est ut electrica industria ut faciam operari per hydrau system ad consequi aperire et claudendo de capto situla ad consequi ad loading et unloading bonis.
Prima conditio causat et oleum temperatus ad oriri est inconveniens consilio electro-hydraulica capientibus apparatus. Cum capientibus materiae, cum materia resistentia est maior quam fodiendo vim de avaritia apparatus, quamvis in captionem situla potest non capere materiam, et motor est "in materia, et etiam motricium est, cum in redundare valvae, ut sit in redundat, ut et in motricium est, et ad effundendum est in redundare valvae, ut sit in redundare in ut praesidio. In hoc, in sentinam per relevium valvae princeps pressura redundantiam, et oleum temperatus resurget acriter. Energy est conservari et electrica industria fit calor, calefacit oleum.
In the loading and unloading operation, due to the operator's experience or line of sight and other factors, continue to hold down the handle after the closure of the steel grab machine, so that the steel grab machine is closed again (often happens), then the motor of the steel grab machine still turns, the motor appears “blocked”, the hydraulic pump through the relief valve high-pressure overflow, the oil temperature rises sharply. Energy conservatur et electrica industria vertit in calorem calefacit oleum.
Ortu oleum temperatus non solum deserta industria, sed etiam causat sequenti discrimina:
No.1: EXCVATOR GRAB Steel Machina opus est non certa, tutum. Et oleum temperatus resurget acriter, et hydrau oleum Viscosity, Volumetric efficientiam et hydraulicis ratio opus efficientiam declinare, in aera, et non potest esse, in bonis, in aere, tutum.
No.2: affect productio. Ex supra statu, in user habet prohibere et oleum temperatus de capsping ferro apparatus refrigerant, quae afficit efficientiam de loading et unloading.
No.3:The parts of the hydraulic system expand due to overheating, destroying the original normal coordination gap of the relative moving parts, resulting in increased friction resistance, the hydraulic valve is easy to jam, at the same time, the lubricating oil film becomes thinner, the mechanical wear increases, resulting in the accurate matching surface of the pump, valve, motor, etc., due to premature wear and failure or Scrap.
No.4: oleum vaporization, aqua evaporatio, facile ad Hydraulicarum components cavitation; Et oleum oxidizes ad formam colloidal deposita, quae sunt facile ad angustos ad foramina in oleum filter et hydraulica valvae, ut Hydraulica ratio non operari Northmanni.
No.5: Accelerate senescentis et depravatione Flexilis signacula, brevi sua vita, et etiam perdere eorum signantes perficientur, causando grave lacus de hydraulica ratio.
No.6: Nimis excelsum oleum temperatus et accelerate deterioration of hydraulicis oleum et breviare ministerium vitae olei
No.7: De defectum rate of capientis ferro machina est princeps, et sustentacionem sumptus augetur. Nimis magno oleum temperatus et gravissime afficit normalis usum machina, redigendum ministerium vitae hydraulicis components, princeps defectum rate et augmentum sustentationem costs.
In summary, in the case of sufficient funds, experts suggest that it is better to buy an excavator to refit a steel grab machine, and use the excavator's own hydraulic system to drive the steel grab machine, with stable performance and less failure rate!!
Post tempus: Ian-11-2024